That’s a wrap on 2020…
I keep saying it but wow, WHAT A YEAR!! none of us could have braced for 2020. During these last few weeks of the year, I am taking some time to reflect, while looking to the future. Five things are top of mind in this moment:
- Give thanks. I am thankful every year for not only getting to do a job that I love, but also owning my own business – something I dreamed about my whole life. I am thankful for my clients, but in 2020, this hits ten times more. In March when everything shut down, I panicked about not being able to work and ultimately what would happen to G. Everett. Like so many businesses, we pivoted, and my clients and I found new ways to work together. I’m lucky that all of my clients stuck with me virtually during spring quarantine. I am grateful for their trust in joining me on video calls. I am grateful for them trusting me to leave samples on their front porches, touching them separately and discussing and deciding on the right selection virtually. I am grateful for my partners for helping me to work in new ways and tackling shipping delays and product storage. My partnerships are invaluable, and I consider each partner of mine an extension of the G. Everett family. I am grateful to my family. This year, they have worked alongside me (literally physically by my side for better or worse) and now more than ever have been my cheerleaders. I have taken client calls during math time and jumped on meetings with vendors while changing a diaper. My role as Mom and business owner has blended more this year than ever before, and while it isn’t always ideal, we have all rolled with the punches and managed the change. They are always by my side supporting me and I am forever grateful.
- Give in to change. I am not always one for change, but this year change has been inevitable. I am beyond amazed by how the human race (particularly, small businesses) have innovated, changed, pivoted, and been able to keep the customer at the forefront of what is needed. 2020 has been rough but without these new ways of working and innovating, businesses wouldn’t be where they are today.

New ways of working with kids..
3. I will never take for granted human embrace. My family is Mediaterran (both Italian and Greek) so hugs and kisses are part of my heritage. I am a big hugger, and this year not being able to hug my extended family (especially, my new nephew) has been exceptionally hard. I am also a person that thrives creatively by human interaction. I have struggled not getting to see my friends in person. I have struggled with not having networking events with designers and those in the industry. I vow never to take for granted an in-person meeting. I vow to never take for granted a face-to-face client coffee, and I vow to never take for granted a hug! This year has taught me a lot about myself, and I can’t wait for the day when I can give everyone around me a huge hug.
4. Patience is a virtue. Patience isn’t something that I would describe myself as having. I have grown a lot more patience becoming a Mom to three young children. I have learned more this year about successes seen from having patience. This has proven itself with homeschooling my oldest. This has also proven itself with my clients purchases and deliveries. Back orders, product discontinuations, slow lead times, and damaged goods have become a part (unfortunately) of the design world, and I so appreciate all my client’s patience as our vendors and the design world work to catch-up on an extremely unusual year and unusual demand from the residential industry. While frustrating at times (trust me, it has been beyond frustrating to me), the final product is well worth the wait.
5. Empathy is a gift. Out of such a difficult year, I have been able to see so much love and empathy in our world. I hope this feeling of empathy doesn’t get pushed to the wayside once things are “back to normal” and the hustle and bustle of our daily lives is back up and running. I think going through the pains and sadness of this year has brought a better appreciation and understanding to others.None of us will ever forget 2020, but I am optimistic for what’s to come in 2021. There are some good things that have and will come from the events and experiences of 2020: Slower pace. Extra time with immediate family. Taking care of ourselves and not pushing ourselves when we don’t feel well. Heck, even the greater accessibility of hand sanitizer is a good thing.
My wish for all of you reading this is that you can slow down the next few weeks, count your blessings and reflect on what this year has meant to you and your family. Determine what from 2020 you will bring with you into 2021.
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones. Hug on those that you can, and I look forward to connecting with you in 2021!

Getting dressed for virtual calls with clients became a real treat!