Clark’s Kitchen Renovation Recap

Clark’s Kitchen Renovation Recap

I couldn’t be more proud of how the Clark’s kitchen renovation turned out – and now I get to share all about it! Amanda and Greg’s goals were to reflect both their tastes and end with a final product that fits perfectly into their Columbus home, without...
The Why Behind G. Everett

The Why Behind G. Everett

Starting the year off with some perspective of the past helps redefine and refocus the journey ahead in the future. As I kick off 2018, I’ve found myself reflecting on G. Everett and its importance to me. I have always wanted to own my own business. Ever since I...
Decorate the Perfect Holiday Mantel

Decorate the Perfect Holiday Mantel

Achieving the perfect holiday mantel look at Christmas can be challenging and overwhelming, but I promise it can be done! My mantel is the focal point in our family room and changes often with the seasons. At Christmastime, this is the spot where we hang our...

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